Monday 14th March 2022
What an exciting few weeks we have ahead of us. I wish to sing the children's praises at this point, and thank you wholeheartedly for the support that you have always provided to us as a staff. There are 300 incredible little people in school this morning putting in their best effort, smiling, working hard, listening, laughing and demonstrating our Christian values. Each week the newsletter illustrates the extra events that are, in essence, the gloss on top of all that St. George's is as a school. But right now, as the kids across KS1+2 are getting stuck into their mastery maths, this is the distinctiveness of St. George's. I wish you could be a fly on the wall and see your child collaborating and reasoning with their classmates, celebrating one another's achievements, giving each other a round of applause as one child receives a rainbow reward or perhaps even a leaf... St. George's is buzzing this morning! Your child is safe, challenged, supported and nurtured in their classroom.
Please see below the glossy bits beyond the four walls of their classrooms.
Year 4 Easter Production
It is with great excitement that we begin our final preparations for the St. George's Year 4 Easter Production. The 2022 Easter Production will take place on Tuesday 29th March but we have some important dates in the run up to it, especially concerning the Y4 children.
1. Wednesday 23rd March- Service and Dress Rehearsal
Ahead of the Easter Production, Year 4 children will be attending the Church Service on Wednesday 23rd March before remaining at Church for rehearsals. Please drop children off as usual at school and children will walk to St. George's Church together after registration.
2. Monday 28th March- All Day Dress Rehearsal @ St. George's Church
Please drop off Year 4 at church as they will be rehearsing all day for their production. They will need a packed lunch/school packed lunch. They will walk back to school in time for usual dismissal.
3. Tuesday 29th March- The Easter Production
The whole school should be dropped off at church from 8:30am to join in our Easter Celebration. Year 4 will be leading us. Note that there will be no breakfast club this day. After the service, the whole school will be getting the coach back to school. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the service and share in the celebration.
Parents' Evening (Wednesday 16th March) Face to face
On Wednesday, we invite you to book onto the parents evening using the ScoPay application. We ask that you enter the school via the main entrance, before making your way to your child's classroom.
Parents' Evening (Thursday 17th March) Zoom
On Thursday we will be hosting our Zoom parent's evening. The conversation and quality matches Wednesday's sessions but you can drop in from the comfort of your own home/ work. Same system of booking applies- see ScoPay for bookings.
Rob Horne is off with Covid-19 until Thursday 17th March so unfortunately both of his C11 Parents' Evening sessions will be taking place on zoom. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Zoom Codes for all Thursday appointments:
Class 1: ID: 820 0534 9643 Passcode: class1
Class 2: ID: 947 7018 7728 Passcode: class2
Class 3: ID: 998 5947 9843 Passcode: class3
Class 4: ID: 924 700 0442 Passcode: class4
Class 5: ID: 913 3437 6612 Passcode: class5
Class 6: ID: 482 722 8146 Passcode: class6
Class 7: ID: 564 050 3697 Password: class7
Class 8: ID: 846 3632 3747 Passcode: class8
Class 9: ID: 869 5827 7641 Passcode: class9
Class 10: ID: 952 417 0849 Passcode: class10
Class 11: ID: 895 0233 9962 Passcode: class11
Book Fair
The book fair is in school now. As mentioned on last week's newsletter, there are two options for purchasing books this year.
1. Ask your child which book they would like and purchase it from us directly in school on Wednesday.
2. Use the link below with your child to choose a book from the scholastic website and purchase online.
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running!
Go to https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/st-georges-pr7/digital-book-club to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by March 18th, 2022.
Both of these options still allow school to accumulate credits which we can be spent on scholastic books for school.
SSP Dance Competition
Wednesday 16th March, taking place at (NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE) The Town Hall, Chorley
If your child is taking part in the competition, Jenny Leap will have already made contact with you. A reminder that your child will need to be collected from school at 13.00 and they will spend the afternoon rehearsing. Doors will be open from 3.30pm for parents to watch the performance. Children will be with teachers at all times but please, if you are not attending, collect your child no later than 18.00. As stated in Jenny's email, the pick-up point will be the back of the town hall.
Each child can have 2 audience members.
Could you please email Jenny ASAP at j.leap@st-georges.lancs.sch.uk with the following information so that she may create an accurate register for the trip:
-Who will be collecting them from school at 1pm
-Who will be collecting them from The Town Hall at 6pm
Holi Colour Celebration
This Friday, St. George's and Mossy Lea will be celebrating the Hindu festival of Holi. Participants throw coloured water and powders on one another... Also known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is a popular Hindu holiday with a rich history, celebrated most commonly in India. It celebrates the triumph of good over evil and the changing of the seasons from winter to spring. Traditionally Hindus wear white clothes so the colours can be seen, and so, please, if you can, send your child into school this Friday wearing white.... or at least a white t shirt that you don't mind becoming stained! Prags will also be teaching the children a Holi song... the song that year 5 will be dancing to.
Please send your kid in with sunglasses, or goggles as well! So wear white kids if you can!
If your child comes to school in plain, white T shirts we will assume you give consent for them to dance, and get coloured! Similarly, if they don't we will assume you don't want your child to partake.
Hopefully Prags will be bringing some Samosas with her as well for the kids to enjoy as part of the celebration.
Knitted chick appeal, 22'
Please, if you could prepare and provide school with knitted chicks for the children this year we would as usual, massively appreciate it. It is a mega tradition and the children have come to become more and more excited, year after year, to find a chick, around the school site at Easter time!
Easter Lunch Menu
Instead of a roast chicken dinner on Wednesday 30th March the school will be delivering the Easter Lunch. Infants can have it on the day, no need to book. If you want your junior child to have this lunch, please pre-book on ScoPay so Leanne will make enough!
From Reverend Mike
Dear friends,
It was wonderful to welcome The Revd Matt Allen to our service this morning. Matt is a lecturer at the CofE’s newest theological college, Emmanuel, which serves the Church of England in the North West.
Here is Matt’s reflection: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/news/news_inner/172
Here is the notice sheet: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/brochure/theway.pdf
A song we sang in today’s service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh0RKetMB0o
God bless,
Fr Mike
Mobile Phones, WhatsApp, Tiktok and YouTube
Whilst social media and apps such as WhatsApp and YouTube bring a plethora of benefits, they also pose a large threat to children's sleep patterns and mental health. The NHS recommends that children aged 9-12 should get between 9 and 12 hours of sleep each night. It is a fact that many children, who use WhatsApp and other social media apps will be disturbed by notifications well into the night, often waking up to reply to messages in the dead of night for fear of missing out on the conversation/ developments in group chats... The following BBC article exemplifies some risks of young people using devices when they should be sleeping.
BBC Article linking mobile phone use to poor sleep
Ahead of the Easter Holiday, we'd like to remind you about the Holiday Club, based here at St. George's. The club continues to be a tremendous success and we are delighted to promote the provision. If you wish for your child to attend the session, get in touch, at the website mentioned above, sooner rather than later to secure your child's spot!
Residential Payments
A gentle reminder that balances need to be paid as soon as possible for the three upcoming residentials
- Y6 PGL May 22 (Current Y6 children)
- Y6 PGL Sepetmber 22 (Current Y5 Children)
- Y2 Bibby's Farm 22 (Current Year 2 Children)
If you have any questions about how/where to make these payments, or indeed if you find yourself in financial difficulties at the moment, get in touch with Sharon either on the phone line 01257 262323 or email bursar@st-georges.lancs.sch.uk
Prayer Day 21-22
Last week's prayer days, deliver by 'Hand to mouth' was an absolute delight. The children spent two days with prayer at the forefront of their minds, thinking about their spirituality. The children conducted themselves beautifully and showed themselves off, as usual, in St. George's fashion.
The Lancashire School Games Relay
Last week we welcomed Sacred Heart school and the Lancashire school games baton to St. George's. We shared our school values and sporting pledges together. The year 5 and 6 representatives then jogged to St Gregory’s to pass on the baton and our pledge, where we received a very warm welcome.
Year 1 Class Assembly
What an impressive assembly that was delivered by some of our very youngest pupils last week. The children showed us the meaning of forgiveness and performed in incredible style to an enthused and grateful audience. Considering that this was one of their first performances in school to a live audience, they did a remarkable job. I am sure for those of you who watched the class assembly either in person, or online, you will agree. If you haven't already seen the assembly, check it out on the St. George's Facebook group!
Today's Bikeability
Year 5 doing their best outside, in the sunshine on their bikes. Thank you to SSP for facilitating this session. Glad they're wearing layers as it is brisk out there today!
In case you were not aware, St. George's is a School Direct ITT Provider. What this means is that we are accredited to train people to teach, and have over the past six years trained over 60 teachers in and around Chorley to teach. As you'll see each week, we advertise for the Yarrow School Alliance ITT programme. It is a year-long course that would see you placed in Chorley schools for the duration of that year, working alongside other teachers, building your experience and competencies and being trained in the theory behind teaching. The course costs, in line with other School Direct providers and Universities, £9250, however Student Finance Tuition loans, and maintenance loans are available to support you during your training year. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a teacher and being recommended for QTS (Qualified Teacher Status), get in touch with Rob Horne on r.horne@st-georges.lancs.sch.uk or ring the office. We would love to show you our programme.