The booking for parents evening goes live today at 11am. As is normal 2 nights are available, one is "face to face" one is "zoom" This appears to be a good compromise as everyone has different needs. The only problem I foresee is you not be able to get the type of appointment you need. A worse problem, for those of you who are on the last minute, as I would be, is to get blended appointments, ie Face to face for some of your kids, zoom for others. This will obviously not be great. What we can't logistically do is change the numbers of appointments, or offer face to face on a zoom night etc...... so I know it may not work, but let's give it a try and I'll canvass your views after the event.
For those of you who are not happy with the appointment type you get please get in contact with me and as always we'll sort it out. There are some things we can do, for example if you can only get a zoom meeting, but wanted face to face, and want to see your kids work, then we can send the books home etc.
So whilst it won't work for everyone, I think this is worth a go. So bear with us, work with us and let me know what you think.
Sharon has updated the school menus on SCOpay, so we're back on track. The system was working surprisingly well, with kids ordering what they want, and getting, with the odd exception, what they want. It was fab. And the coloured bands were working well. I think the only change has been to request 48 hours notice now to order a school dinner on SCOpay. Of course, it's obvious no child will go hungry on any day, but please try and take the time to order your school meals 48 hours in advance, as any late orders, or changes will have to be made via phone, and we cannot guarantee to be able to accommodate them.