Young Voices - what a morale booster! It really is an amazing experience. Choir is open to year 4, 5, and 6, and you sign up now via SCOpay - there are still places available.
Club starts on Monday 4th October, from 3.15 - 4.15, with children being dismissed from the Promenade Door onto the junior yard. Obviously as year 5 are now operating as a bubble they cannot attend the club right now, but don't worry - you'll easily catch up, and your place is reserved!
The concert is on the 7th February, and Siobhan will write to you with more details nearer the time, for now though it is a good idea to oder your tickets. In the 1st instance this is done through the app, and school will order them for you. Tickets are £20.00 each, so if you want 3, credit you SCOpay with £60.00, if you want 1, credit the account with £20.00. The deadline for ordering tickets through school is Thursday 21st October, after which tickets can't be ordered through school, you will need to order yourself directly through the arena, and they are priced around £25.00.
It really is a magnificent night, great fun and an unparalleled experience, to be able to say " I sang at the M.E.N.... but will kids still call it that? Who knows!
Any further questions please email Siobhan