St George's Beehive!
Well... we are making the school 'bee friendly' on Friday with the 'big dig' so we thought - in for a penny in for a pound - let's create a buzz around the place. We will soon be installing our very own St George's bee hive ! This will be happening at some point next half term...
This is an exciting opportunity for our kids to play an active role in tackling the decline in bee population and make a real impact on their environment.
As it stands the hive will be located behind the muga, in the far corner of the school grounds on the slope running parallel to Fountains Close, with the flight path of the bees being directed towards Duxbury. Once we have found our confidence with bee management, the children, should they wish, will be actively involved in maintaining the bee hive and collecting the honey - naturally only if they wish to bee (couldn't resist) and they will always be fully kitted out in protective gear should they wish to bee involved.
Bee hives in primary schools is not a new thing, many across the country have been successfully installed and maintained. It is of real benefit to the school and community... indeed it's not really a new thing for us as we tend to have a wasp nest or two around the place each year... despite our best efforts.
We will of course make the venture as safe as possible and as such have invested in a batch of epi pens for school just incase... but let's give it a go! If it becomes too troublesome or doesn't work out we can always find the bees a new home somewhere else...
So... if we have any established bee keepers out there as parents or grandparents, or kids do get in touch! Any and all help/advice would be greatly received...
Mrs Hitchen, Anonymous Sarah and Mrs Brown will be our Bee Keepers.