Good morning all!
What a great morning, as we take a small step, yet a giant step for mankind into step 3. A place where can now go inside a pub after we've been to the cinema, before we eat in our favourite restaurant. We can fly to Australia, they won't let us in, but we can fly there. Or we can holiday to the Falkland Islands, Israel or the South Sandwich Islands. What a time to be alive. We enter a period of unknown familiarity. We've done it all before, yet it feels strange doesn't it?
Like you, I have no option but to put my trust in the government. I'm uneasy if im honest, but like I say to you apropos school, trust the systems. And that's what im going to do. I wish there wasn't so much confusion around with regard the so called Indian variant. I wish it wasn't spreading so rapidly right now. I wish it wasn't more transmissible.... but it is. So for me.... I am stepping into step 3. But it will be a cautious, small step. I need to relearn that it is safe to see my family and friends again, after being told I can't for 14 months or so. I shall trust the government, and put my faith in my double jab. I'll be treating my mind like I did my body when I returned to the gym. I'll start nice and slow, not spend as much time 'there' as I allow my body, or in this case my mind, get used to it again, and build my stamina up. I'm nervous about going inside my mum and dad's house on Wednesday - Wednesday being my parent tea day! I've spent 14 months sat at best on the wall in the front garden, but now I can go in.... it will take me time to adjust, to recognising the vaccine is effective, and it is safe to go inside!
Be patient, take it slowly, get the jab and let's get comfortable with a bit of the way we were. Be kind to others as we adjust - that's the easy part, but be kind to yourself, go at your own pace, and just like the gym, if you don't feel like going today then don't! That's fine as well!
As record school nothing changes - the one way system remains, bubbles remain, masks remain, temperature checks remain, differentiated arrival and departure times remain. Why? Well it's time to give back to staff - to let staff go at there pace as they step into step 3. Why? Because it's better to be safe than sorry? Why? because there is a cross over of transmission zones with families having elder siblings at Runshaw? Why? Because it wasn't that long ago we were shutting bubbles galore..... our priority is to be boring, yet stable and safe. We will get to summer aplomb, then staff, if everything stays the same nationally will shut down, and re boot ion September..... when, well who knows, we may start talking about Parking Problems again.