School APP—Calendar/dates should now be reasonably spot on. And now the only excuse for not knowing something is me causing confusion by putting 6 different start dates and times!
Download the “school news” app
You should be able to find and subscribe to the school within the app by searching for its postcode (PR73JU)- alternatively, when you are logged in on the site, if you go to 'Connect' on the orange bar along the top of the screen, then press 'App', this will allow you to access the app's settings.
Choose St Georges Primary School
The app will have sections for News, Events and Albums, perhaps most importantly you’ll be able to see all the calendar dates—as well as having them synced to your phone.
The app, should you subscribe will send you push notifications as we add and change things, again, this should hugely improve organisation and communication. To the point where I think we can tick it off! job done!