PTFA News – The Summer Fair
Monday 3rd July
The PTFA pulled off a phenomenal Fair at Christmas didn't they? Every single penny raised at that Fair, went to the new equipment on the Junior Yard which is now useable, if not complete! Thank you so much. This is something that we would have never achieved with the PTFA who raised funds for it, and then organised it - amazing. I met with the PTFA last week, begun planning this Fair - It should be now on the Calendar. Funds this year will continue to develop the Junior Playground. We're hoping for a more substantial running track around the Muga, and to develop an outdoor Science area.
We have 3 “non uniform” days , these are calendared, thanks to Simon Newell who keeps the website much more up to date than I ever did, and on the Summer Fair news page that you can access from the website For those of you new to the school, we do not charge any money for the days, but ask if you would mind supplying us with bottles, any unused, or new soft toys, books, games, chocolates, toiletries, or any prizes that can be used for the tombola stall—just like we did at Christmas!
We won't be selling programmes this year, instead we will be charging £1.00 per family entrance fee, with us entering from the Junior Yard gate..
Raffle ticket will be sent over coming weeks! Prizes to be announced… Tickets are £1 a strip, please write your name on the reverse of your strips and return to school along with the money. Further tickets can be obtained from the office.
We are always looking for new sponsors to provide prizes for our raffles. If you, or the company you work for are able to provide a suitable prize, please contact me, or any member of the PTFA!
Can you provide us with any cakes, or refreshments of any type to sell at the Fair? These would be most gratefully received in school, on the Monday of the Fair. We did struggle with this at Christmas; I think it's a tradition that hasn't reignited post Covid. The cake stall previously a massive part of the Fair with all kinds of cakes sold. We really do rely on your donations here - so please, if you are able, can you do some baking please of anything - and send it in. If you can include the ingredients please that would be great, especially Nuts etc......
And finally… if nothing else; please come to school and support the PTFA in this major fundraising event! The fair will open at 6.00pm, and will be phenomenal. I know how hard the PTFA are working. I look forward to seeing you there! Let’s hope for great summer weather….
Stalls will be outside, on the MUGA, like they were at Christmas. Refreshments in the hall; year 6 games will be on the MUGA and Junior Yard this year - they're going for it this year, and are trying to make more than £60.00 on an enterprise project. Each group has had £10.00 starting point from the PTFA, and theyre aiming to double it - so spend big with Year 6 please!
There will also be Fair Rides which will be on the Junior Yard
The ice cream van will be on the Junior Yard
Pony rides will be on the infant yard with other exciting stalls including Face paints, Henna and Tattoos.
You will be able to access the school hall from the Infant or Junior Yard, cutting through school if necessary!
We will be asking for volunteers to help us set up, ticket up etc, manage stalls etc and this is another occasion when we really do rely upon your help. I will ask naomi to do this via Forms, again like we did at Christmas.