Covid Catch Up Plans (CUP!)
Well let's take our time, let's make plans, lets begin to plug the gaps. We'll be taking our time in this, using common sense, using our skills for the benefit of the kids. It requires careful thought, humility, flexibility, but it's not rocket science. We know what's been missed. We know the gaps. We'll sort it. Easily, calmly and subtly.
For the rest of this academic year we will focus on Year 6, who will be leaving us in July, and our youngest kids - reception and Year 1.
Year 6 have been invited to stay in school for the 1st week of the Easter holidays. This is a unique opportunity in my eyes. An opportunity where the stars have aligned. The kids only been in school for 3 weeks, so are not overly fatigued, it's a 2 week holiday, meaning they can chill and play during the 2nd week, and staff are willing to run them. So we're on. We will also be running after school boosters for year 6 kids similar to what we normally run for SAT's, but they will be open to all, and will run later in the term. We have that flexibility with SATs being cancelled nationally. This will plug some, not all, of the gaps created during the 2 lockdowns these kids have faced, giving them the very best start in secondary education.
We welcome back Rachel Steel, who has reverted to her maiden name now of Smith following her very long maternity! Rachel will be working with small groups of kids from Reception and Year 1, once again teaching units of work that they have missed during lockdowns. Rachel will work with reception in the mornings, and year 1 in the afternoons until summer. This will mean, potentially, that after September the new reception, new year 1 and new year 2 kids will be there or there abouts, meaning we can focus on the Junior kids after summer. After summer Michelle will not be class based. We will be appointing two new teachers for after summer to release Michelle, and NIc (who will be on maternity until around Christmas time) Michelle, and Nic when she returns, will team teach in the morning, boosting kids, plugging gaps, and allowing teachers to share their teaching brilliance. in the afternoon they wil teach groups of kids missed learning. this will be done in groups of 6. In essence the same session will be taught to each group, meaning over the course of the week all the kids will have had teh same gaps plugged, whilst being able to continue their education in other subjects. It won't be perfect, the plans will change, but it's a starting point.