St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

News from the school for the week 7.2.2025

News from the school for the week 7.2.2025

Class 7 have enjoyed taking part in Wear your SCARF day as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. This afternoon, the class began to create their own scarf using the 5 values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. Throughout the week, we’ve had yoga in the classroom, completed the Muga Mile, Year 4 made a positive saying mobile in Forest School and we’ve all thought about what we are grateful for using our 5 senses.

Great work everyone 😊

In our penultimate week in Art Cub, the children have made fantastic progress painting their 3D portraits. Next week, we’ll add another layer of paint and our finishing touches.

Year 6 Spanish continues apace! Today, we had a busy lesson learning months of the year, how to describe our day ( great translation skills), how to motivate ourselves and each other and finally, the words to the modern Spanish national anthem😉😉😉

Great work, year 6!

🎶Clase once nunca se rinde🎶

🎶Clase doce nunca se rinde🎶

🎶Year 6 nunca se rinde🎶