Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
About Us
The activities of the PTFA make a real difference to what St George’s School can provide for its children. It is made up of Parents, Teachers and Friends so as a parent at St George’s you are automatically a member of the school’s PTFA. The ‘F’ stands for friends, which means anyone with a connection to the school is also very welcome e.g. Grandparents or Childminders. The PTFA is dedicated to running events to raise the much needed funds that are used to provide resources and experiences for the children and community of St George’s School.
The PTFA cannot run without your help and support. We meet once a term and with the exception of the AGM, our meetings are very informal and held in the pub. It’s the ideal way to meet other parents and to get involved in the school. We are always eager to encourage new parents to attend PTFA meetings and are open to new ideas. You can get involved, as little or as much as you like so if you have an active interest in contributing to your child’s school, why not give it a try?
What the funds pay for
The PTFA raises much needed funds that are used to buy extras to enhance the children’s time in school. Without the PTFA funds the school and consequently the children would simply do without. Some of the purchases made include library books, musical instruments, audio/visual equipment, educational aids, toys, travelling theatres and some of the costs towards the set up of this website.
All our events are advertised in the school's weekly newsletter You can also find details of our events on the PTFA news pages of the website.
As we develop the PTFA pages of the school website we will be adding more useful information. You can contact us via with your contributions and comments.