Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is funding in addition to the school’s budget.
Examples of budgetary decisions in relation to a Pupil Premium funding, and the subsequent impact of those decisions can be found below.
- The majority of identified pupils made accelerated progress in their learning, a result of specific quality staffing organisation that meant all children, including those pupils that attract pupil premium funding, who were not on track to reach their targets, were in receipt of closing the academic gap tuition on either 1:1 of small group.
- Some pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding benefited from transformed attitudes to learning, after 10 week counselling and play therapy intervention.
- As an inclusive school, of course, we do have children who have additional needs beyond learning. To ensure that all children can learn in a calm, safe atmosphere some of our pupil premium money has been spent on an additional TA who works on behaviour modification strategies with our young people. The impact here is that there have been no exclusions, of any nature for at least 10 years.
- Pupils made very good progress in their phonics development.
- Pupils enjoyed enrichment activities that supported their learning.
- Some children were attracted pupil premium money benefited from lunch time group play, and team building sessions, within the schools enhanced grounds.
- The school plans to continue with these strategies during the next academic year