Focus Week 2024


Sports week has started. Thanks to Ninja Warrior Kids obstacles fun fitness for starting the fun! We’ve got Bikeability with Chorley School Sports Partnership orienteering, skipping, break dancing, football with Blackburn rovers martial arts and muga miles all happening today!!

Class 6 loved the Ninja Warrior! It was tricky and it was challenging but the children all got round the course. Then Ninja Warrior champion Johnny set a challenge giving us our Class 6 Ninja Warrior!

What a great day for class 11. Ninja warrior, Blackburn Rovers dodgeball, Martial arts and a visit from a BMX world champion! What an active day!!

Class 7 have had a busy start to Sports Focus Week by learning about the history of the Olympic Games, looking at Olympic mascots (past and present) and designing their own (if London host again), a breakdancing session, hearing about Mrs Mullock’s job at the FA and her childhood as a BMX champion and finally, writing our own sports pledge for our class Olympic torch! And that’s just today, phew!

A fantastic first day of our Sports Week for Class 5! We enjoyed an exciting assembly with Ninja Warrior star Johnny, followed by break dancing, orienteering, designing an Olympic Medal and a skipping session. Class 5 have also been challenged by myself, to see how many kilometres we can row as a class throughout the week. Each child has been rowing 1 km and swapping.. I wonder where our destination will be by Friday?


Class 10 had a brilliant day yesterday to start our PE week. We had a visit to the martial arts centre, tried skipping and completed session one of our bikeability training.

Class 8 have enjoyed working with our visitors from the Anderton centre today. They have completed team games in small groups - improving their skills of resilience, teamwork and problem solving.

Class 3 enjoyed team games with our visitors from the Anderton Centre this afternoon. They worked in small groups - improving their skills of resilience, teamwork and problem solving.

Class 4 have had a great first 2 days of sports week! They have worked hard in every activity

Class 5 have enjoyed Team building games, Circuit training, Ninja warrior and completing the MUGA mile today. Well done to you all 💪👏

Another brilliant day in class 12!! They started the day off with Becky Green, a GB Olympian, who put them to their paces in a fitness circuit. Then, they spent some time finding out about the history of the olympics and where it all began and why. Followed by an excellent session with Literacy Kicks where the children learnt all about sports journalism and had a go at writing a sports column for a newspaper. Finally, they finished their day with some skipping (which is a lot harder than it looks)!!


Wednesday’s sporting round up in Class 7!

Orienteering, cricket, climbing wall, football and a presentation from Wigan Warriors. An action packed day today, where everyone pushed themselves out of their comfort zone. Fantastic work 👏

Class 7 meeting GB champion Becky Green

Class 6 met Team GB champion Becky Green for their Sports Circuit, showed amazing teamwork in Team Games and great skills in Orienteering. Day 2 of PE week was a great success!

This afternoon class 8 and 9 had an inspiring talk in the hall with Wigan Warriors school outreach team. We heard about all the jobs available from marketing, coaching, nutrition, analysis of play etc We also met Rhys who plays for the Wigan women’s team, who has come over from Australia where women’s rugby is very established.

Class 8 had a super session with the football development programme both outside improving our dribbling skills and in the classroom improving our maths skills!

Day 3 for Class 5 included a fabulous session with Football Development, followed by designing our own Olympic Mascot based on research into their chosen country, rock climbing, increasing our PB’s on the MUGA mile, researching facts about countries that have previously hosted the games, finishing our Olympic torch and continuing our rowing challenge!!

Year 2’s in class 4 have also honed their climbing skills and scaled new heights thanks to Anderton Centre and their climbing wall.

Class 4 have had yet another action packed day. We have worked with The Football Development Programme and Tom Smith (Yorkshire CC coach) to learn some cricket skills. We have also designed some amazing new sports kits and learned how to keep ourselves safe in water.

Class 8 had a super session with the football development programme both outside improving our dribbling skills and in the classroom improving our maths skills!

This afternoon class 8 and 9 had an inspiring talk in the hall with Wigan Warriors school outreach team. We heard about all the jobs available from marketing, coaching, nutrition, analysis of play etc We also met Rhys who plays for the Wigan women’s team, who has come over from Australia where women’s rugby is very established.

Class 6 met Team GB champion Becky Green for their Sports Circuit, showed amazing teamwork in Team Games and great skills in Orienteering. Day 2 of PE week was a great success!
