WB 20.11.2023

Well, what an adventure this week has been been. I’m not sure I have the words quite yet to describe just how incredible it has been yet, but I am so proud to have been part of it. 

Our fantastic Year 5 and 6 athletics team had a great time competing in the Sports Hall Athletics competition this evening. They all did amazingly well and finished in 2nd place! Well done everyone!!

What a Monday Class 7 have had today! Richard from The History Squad has been sharing his knowledge, artefacts and passion with us on the Romans. The children have learned about Emperor Claudius and the invasion on Brittania, life in the Roman army (including trying on armour, holding a scutum (shield) and gladius (sword) and the importance of a formation in battle.) Roman games have been made and played in addition to holding artefacts. A fantastic start to our History topic!

Class 5 have had a fantastic morning in Class today! We have had a catwalk of all the amazing costumes, a guess the character quiz, a scavenger hunt and listened to 3 fairy tales. This afternoon we will be busy with many more activities,crafts and quizzes.