Happy Easter, Christ is risen, He is risen indeed. Alleluia.

Happy Easter, Christ is risen, He is risen indeed. Alleluia.


It was amazing to have Fr Nick McKee, Diocesan Director of Vocations, with us for the whole Triduum, and today on Easter Sunday. Here are all of his reflections:

Maundy Thursday: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/news/news_inner/247

Good Friday: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/news/news_inner/248

Holy Saturday: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/news/news_inner/249

Easter Sunday: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/news/news_inner/250

Here is the notice sheet: https://stgeorgechorley.co.uk/brochure/theway.pdf

God bless,

Fr Mike